Category: Sitefinity

Content Blocks Customization SDK Sitefinity Templates Widgets

Mapping Sitefinity Templates from the SDK

There are several different ways to map Sitefinity widgets to external templates, including globally using the ViewMap.  You can also use the built-in Sitefinity Widget Template editor and even Sitefinity Thunder to modify templates and copy them to external files. However, did you know that a copy of every single widget template is included in […]

Code Sample Customization Ecommerce Shopping Cart Sitefinity Templates Validation Widgets

Product Maximum and Minimums in Sitefinity Part 2: Shopping Cart

We previously looked at how you can enforce minimum and maximum product quantities on the Sitefinity product details page. However, users can still override the quantities in the shopping cart, defeating the restrictions. Fortunately, the shopping cart template also includes a validation control for each item. By mapping this control to an external User Control […]

Custom Fields Ecommerce Shopping Cart Sitefinity Templates Viewmap

Enforcing Minimum and Maximum Quantity for Sitefinity Ecommerce Shopping Cart Products

When using Sitefinity’s Ecommerce features, you may want to restrict the quantity of items to a specific minimum or range. This allows you to do something like offer “Bundle” pricing for purchasing multiple items, while restricting the actual purchase of those items to the minimum quantity. The Sitefinity Ecommerce order widget templates (available in the […]

Administration Configuration Customization Localization Sitefinity

Modifying Sitefinity Interface Labels and Messages

Sitefinity offers a simple way to customize the various interface labels and messages presented throughout the site. This includes content like validation errors, input field labels, and status notifications. These are available in the Administration Menu under Interface Labels & Messages. For convenience, the interface labels are grouped by type along the right side, and […]

API Extensions Helpful Tools Pages Sitefinity

Detecting the Sitefinity Environment (Backend, Design, Preview, Edit) with the SystemManager

The Sitefinity SystemManager is a helper class that simplifies working within the Sitefinity system. Although it supports several advanced operations (such as loading configuration settings, registering web services, etc.) one of it’s most helpful features is the ability to report the current environment in which your code is executing. This is done through several helpful […]

Code Sample Content Blocks Customization Pages Sitefinity Video Widgets

Creating a Hideable Sitefinity Content Block Widget

Adding a content block to a Sitefinity page with a Content widget (such as News, Events, Blogs, etc.) displays that content for both the master list and single item details view for the content. This video demonstrates how you can easily inherit from this control to make a hideable content block that only renders when […]

API Field Controls Guide Module Builder Sitefinity

Selecting Dynamic Content in Native Sitefinity Modules with Custom Fields

Sitefinity allows you to easily add simple custom fields to Content items using the backend administration, using the built-in field controls such as TextField. But what happens when you want to add a custom type and a custom field selector? The built-in custom field interface only allows a limited selection of field types, and the […]

Guide OpenAccess Sitefinity Version

Developing With Sitefinity When A Different Version of OpenAccess is Installed

One of the best features of Sitefinity is the inclusion of the fantastic ORM tool OpenAccess. However, one issue that can be a bit troublesome is the fact that Sitefinity has often shipped with a different version of OpenAccess that the latest. As a result, if you have the most recent OpenAccess installed, and try to build […]

API Code Sample Pages Permissions Sitefinity Widgets

Add Control to Sitefinity Page with Default Permissions

When adding controls to a Sitefinity page programmatically, by default it’s going to set restricted permissions so that only users in the Administrators role can view them. You can easily change this so that the widget is installed with the default permissions it would get by being dragged onto the page with the following code: […]